Plethora of platforms are there who provides the service of downloading and streaming of free movies and shows. One of such platform is jalshamoviez. This platform provides wide array of content. Movies and shows are available in multiple languages like English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, and Punjabi. Moreover, it also provides the movies and shows of different industries like Hollywood, Tollywood, and Bollywood etc. The user can watch the movie online or they can also download the movie for the convenience and seamless watch.
User just need a device which can be a laptop, tablet, computer, or mobile. Any of the device will work the only condition is that the device should have a stable internet connection with a high speed. If you have all these things, then you can use and grab the benefits of this platform. During the research we got to know a lot of things about this platform and this article will share all that information in detail with you.
User Friendly Interface: Jalshamoviez
First thing comes first. Interface is the very first thing the user will see when they visit the platform. The interface is the one which impresses the user and can demotivate the user as well. Now the thing is that this platform has been designed very well. Users will be able to see the movies on the first page of this platform and that is interface. Some of the movie will be enlisted with the name only and just below it the option for searching movies is also there. Going a bit more below there will be a lot of movies enlisted with their posters. You can search or click on any of the movie and then you will be redirected to the downloading page of the platform.
Wide Array of Content: Jalshamoviez
There is a huge library of content available on this platform. Movies and shows of different categories, industries, and genres are available on this platform. Even many of the small OTT platforms shows are available on this platform. The old released movies and the latest content is always available on this platform. User will never find any kind of lack of content on this platform.
Download and Stream: Jalshamoviez
In recent update they have removed the option of streaming the movies and the shows online. The only thing user can do is that they can download the movies and the shows. Then they can easily watch it on any of the device. Another thing is that the file size of all the movies and shows is very low and the quality very good. So the user does not need to spend much of their internet data. The movies and the shows will download with a great speed due to its seamless process and the small file size. The user does not need to worry about the downloading procedure. On this platform downloading procedure is very easy. We will explain the procedure ahead in the next part of the article.
Procedure of Downloading: Jalshamoviez
- The user needs to visit the platform by entering Jalshamoviez in the browser
- Then the first result is your destination
- Click on it and then you will be on redirected to the website
- After that just select the movie from the given options or search the movie of your own
- Then click on that movie or show. After clicking on it the user will be redirected to the download page
- On that page you just need to click on one of the option of downloading server
- User can download the movie from either of the option
- Then they can easily get the option of Start Download Now
- Click on that option and the download will start. Once the download will start then you can watch it into your device easily.
As this platform provides the pirated content. Piracy is banned in many of the countries and in some of the countries it is allowed. So in such countries where it is not allowed then it is a crime. Even if you are downloading the movies and the shows from this platform can lead the user to some legal issues.
VPN as Precaution: Jalshamoviez
VPN is the best precaution that a user can take for using this platform. As this platform provides pirated content and that is not legal. So in such case the user can select another country through the VPN and then it will create an anonymous IP for you. By doing this the identity of the user will not reveal. Moreover, it will save the user form a lot of things.
Cons of this platform is also available. This platform can give a malwares and can also get into some scam or data breach of from your device. This is a straight cyber-attack. There is no such incident happened yet. Still as this is not a legit platform so there is a high possibility of this.
Pixels: Jalshamoviez
Users can download the movies and the shows according to their device and the internet limit or according to the choice for whatever the reason is. There are options available on this platform that users can select to download their content. It can be 360 pixels, 480 pixels, 720 pixels, or 1080 pixel as well. Their quality of the film is very better and even a movie in Blu Ray print is available in the size of less than 1 GB.

Lastly, we want to say that this is a perfect platform for the movie enthusiasts. They can use it and if there are some of the risks then they can take the precautions as mentioned above. In general, the user will not face any kind of issue while downloading the movie or the show. Process is very easy and the content will be downloaded within fraction of minutes.
This platform provides pirated content and we do not support such activity. We just wrote an article on this platform. So use it at your own risk.