Pakistan government is running a scheme named Benazir Income Support Programme. Under this programme the people those who are not up to the mark according to their financial condition then they will get the financial help from the government. This programme was started a long ago. Then in between the name of this programme got change and then it renamed again as the old name. It was named on the name of an old Prime Minister of Pakistan. She was so kind and she used to help the poor people a lot. So there is a limit set by the government that if the person is earning below that number then they will get the assistance and the financial support by the government under this scheme. Now many were confused by the limit set by the government. They can check through the new tool Pmt Score Check.
This tool has been added to this platform in the recent update. PMT stands for the Poverty Measurment Tool. So through this tool the citizen those who are looking to apply in this scheme so that they can get the benefit can check their eligibility. Eligibility is the poverty. If you are poor enough according to the government then you will get the benefits of this scheme. So the very first step to apply in this scheme is to check the eligibility and that you can check on this platform through the new added feature.
How does it Work?
It works very easily. The tool PMT check is very easy to use. This tool will ask some of the details which necessary form the applicant. Then the applicant needs to submit all those details as it is required. The it will analyse the details, track them, and then calculate those details. After completing all this thing and comparing it with the criteria of the government for this scheme this platform will show you a particular number. That number will reflect and tells the result that whether you are eligible or not. It will also tell the number which is needed to become an eligible candidate for this scheme.
So that the applicant can come to know and compare their number and the number which is needed. If the number which will appear as a result is more than the limit set by the government then the applicant is not allowed to apply for that scheme. Now if the number of the applicant is equal or less than the limit of the number set by the government then they are eligible to apply.
Pmt Score Check with CNIC Number?
- This is the easiest way to check the PMT score. Let’s see this process step by step to get all the details:
- In starting the user just need to visits its official website
- After that they need to navigate the PMT web portal and then need to click on that
- Once they will open this portal then they just need to enter the CNIC number in that
- After entering the CNIC number the user will receive a One Time Password
- Just enter the OTP and submit the application
- Once the person will submit it then the portal will calculate the whole data
- After calculating the whole data, the user will see the PMT score with all the details on the screen itself.
PMT Score Check at Tehsil?
- There are Tehsils set by the government for this programme only. So the applicant can visit the Tehsil and can check their PMTT score in detail. So let’s go through this process properly and thoroughly:
- First of all, the user needs to visit the tehsil of Benazir Programme
- Then their they will be assisted by the allotted person or the officer for this work
- After that the candidate will be asked to provide some of the necessary details
- These details will consist of many [personal details like household, income and many other things which reflects the financial condition and the poverty of that person
- Once the candidate will provide all their information to the assisted person then they will enter all the details of the candidate in the system
- Then through the help of their official tool they will calculate the PMT score
- Once the PMT score will be there the candidate will get a PMT score with survey completion certificate.
Various Facilities: Pmt Score Check
A person gets a lot of facilities in the educational sector, health sector, and in many more aspects. That is why the PMT socre checker ask the person a lot of details to check their PMT score. As this schem is not based on the income perspective. There is a possibility that the person is good in earning and from 1 or 2 months that person is not working or started working on the lower salary. Even they can fake their documents. So that is why they go for a lot of details to get the transparency.
Details Required: Pmt Score Check
- Income
- Number of Members in the family
- Ownership of the house or rented
- Geographical Location Details
- Academics Information is also required
- Whether the person is working or not
- Materialistic Ownership

Lastly, we want to say that this programme is a great help to the poor people of Pakistan. The government has a very good process to check the poverty status of the poor people. So that the people those who are needy can get the help. This PMT score check gives the applicant the clarity whether they are eligible to apply for this scheme or not. This creates a transparency among the people and make sure that there should not be any scam.